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Antipaedobaptism in the Thought of John Tombes
Tombes's Antipaedobaptist Works:
Tombes, John, B.D. A Just Reply to the Books of Mr. Wills and Mr. Blinman, for infant-baptism; in a letter to Henry D'Anvers, Esq. London: 1675.
_____. A Plea of Anti-paedobaptists against, the vanity and falshood of scribled papers, entitled, The Anabaptists Anatomiz'd and silenc'd in a publique dispute... betwixt John Tombes, John Cragg,and Henry Vaughan, touching infant-baptism. London: 1654.
_____. A Short Catechism about Baptism. London: 1659. This work
is found in the Appendix.
_____. An Addition to the Apology For the two Treatises concerning Infant-Baptisme, Published December 15. 1645. In which the Author is vindicated from 21. unjust Criminations in the 92. page book of Robert Baillie Minister of Glasgow, Intitled Anabaptisme. And sundry material points concerning the Covenant, Infants-interest in it, and Baptisme by it, Baptism by an unbaptized person, Dipping, Erastianism, and Church- Government, are argued, in a letter (now enlarged) sent in September 1647. to him, by....London: 1652.
_____. An Antidote against the Venome of a Passage in the 5th Di- rection of the Epistle Dedicatory to the whole book of Mr. Richard Baxter, intituled the Saints Everlasting Rest, con- taining a satyricall invective against Anabaptists. London: 1650.
_____. An Apology or Plea for the Two Treatises concerning Infant

Baptisme, against the unjust charges complaints and censures of Nathaniel Holmes, John Geree, Stephen Marshall, John Ley and William Hussey, together with a postscript by way of reply to Mr. Blakes answer to Mr. Tombes his letter and Mr. E. Calamy and Mr. R. Vines preface to it, etc. London: 1646.
_____. Antipaedobaptism, or no plain nor obscure scripture proof of infants baptism or church membership. Being the first part of a full review of the dispute about infant baptism...Whereby the expositions...and arguings...for infant baptism by Mr. Marshall, Mr. J. Geree, Mr. Richard Baxter, Mr. T. Cabbet, Mr. T. Blake, Mr. J. Church; and the arguements of Mr. N. Stephens...are fully refuted. London: 1652.
_____. Anti-paedobaptism, or the Second Part Of the full Review of the Dispute Concerning Infant-Baptism: In which the inval- idity of Arguments inferring a Duty from a positive Rite of the Old Testament concerning a positive Rite of the New, by rea son of Analogy between them, is shewed; and the Argument against Infant-baptism, from Christs institution, Matth. 28. 19. the sayings and practise in the New Testament is made good against the writings of Mr. Stephen Marshall, Mr. Rich ard Baxter, Mr. Thomas Blake, Mr. Thomas Cobbet, Mr. John Cotton, Dr. Nathaniel Homes, Mr. Robert Bailee, Dr. Daniel Featley, Mr. John Brinsley, Mr. Cuthbert Sydenham, Dr. Henry Hammond, Mr. Thomas Fuller, and others. London: 1654.
_____. Anti-Paedobaptism: or the Third Part. Being, A full Review of the Dispute concerning Infant-Baptism. In which, the Ar- guments for Infant-Baptism from the Covenant and Initial Seal, Infants Visible Church-membership, Antiquity of Infant- Baptism, are repelled. and the Writings of Mr. Stephen Mar- shal, Mr. Richard Baxter, Mr. John Geree, Mr. Thomas Blake, Mr. Thomas Cobbet, Dr. Nathaniel Homes, Mr. John Drew, Mr Josiah Church, Mr. William Lyford, Dr. Daniel Featley,

Antipaedobaptism in the Thought of John Tombes
Mr. John Brinsley, Mr. Cuthbert Sidenham, Mr. William Carter, Mr. Samuel Rutherford, Mr. John Crag, Dr. Henry Hammond, Mr. John Cotton, Mr. Thomas Fuller, Mr John Stalham, Mr. Thomas Hall, and others, are examined; and many points about the Covenants, and Seals, and other Truths of weight, are handled. London: 1657.
_____. Felo de se; or Mr. Baxters Self-destroying, Manifested in twenty Arguments against infant-baptism gathered out of his own writing, in his second disputation of right to sacraments. London: 1659. Appended to this document is a discussion of Mr. Baxter's "Ten Reasons of His practise about infant bap- tism" as a response to a sermon preached by Baxter 4 May 1656.
_____. Fermentum Pharisaeorum or, The Leaven of Pharisaical Will- Worship: declared in a sermon on Matth.xv., November 24, 1641, at Leominster in Herefordshire. London: 1641.
_____ . Praecursor, or a Forerunner to a large Review of the Dis- pute concerning Infant-Baptism; wherein many things both Doctrinall and personal are cleared : about which Mr. Rich- ard Baxter, In a Book Mock-titled Plain Scripture Proof of Infants Church Membership and Baptism hath Darkened the Truth. London: 1652.
_____. Refutatio positionis, ejusque confrationis, Paedobaptismum esse licitum, affirmantis ab Henrico Savage, SS. T.D., etc. n.p.: 1655.
_____. Two Treatises; and an Apendix to them Concerning Infant Baptisme. The Former Treatise being an Exercitation pre- sented to the Chair-man of a Committee of the Assembly of Divines. The latter an Examen of the Sermon of Mr. Stephen Marshall, about Infant-Baptisme, in a letter sent to him.

London: 1645. The work includes an appendix to show that Colossians 2:11,12 "proves not Infant-Baptisme".
Other Works by John Tombes:
_____. A Serious Consideration of the Oath of the Kings supremacy: wherein these six propositions are asserted. 1. That some swearing is lawful. 2. That some promissory oaths are law- ful. 3. That a promissory oath of allegiance and due obedi- ence to a king is lawful. 4. That the king in his realm, is the onely supreme governor over all persons. 5. That the king is the governour of the realm, as well in all spiritual or ecclesi- astical things, or causes, as temporal. 6. That the jurisdic- tions, priviledges, preeminences, and authorities in that oath, may be assisted and defended. London: 1660.
_____. A Supplement to A Serious Consideration of the Oath of the Kings supremacy In, First, Some consideration of the oath of allegiance. Secondly, vindicating of A serious consideration of the oath of the Kings supremacy from exceptions of Richard Hubberthorn, Samuel Fisher, Samuel Hodgkin and some others against them, in the points of swearing in some case, and the matters of these oaths. London: 1661.
_____. The Anabaptists silenced; or, a relation of a publick dispute between John Tombes and John Cragge and Henry Vaughan, touching infant-baptism in St. Mary's Church, in Abergavenny, in Monmouthshire. Also a sermon, preached by Mr. Cragge the Sunday following... by Mr. Tombes. 2nd edition. London: 1741. This work is misattributed to Tombes because his name appears first on the titlepage. It was published by sympathisers of Cragge and Vaughan. Tombes was only the respondent. Cragge and Vaughan called for the debate. His name is listed first on the frontispiece therefore it has been assumed to be his work. A wonderful record of scholastic debate. An inter-

Antipaedobaptism in the Thought of John Tombes
esting read.
_____. Animadversiones in librum Georgii Bulli [on James and Jus- tification by works, 1669], etc. London: 1675.
_____. Animadversiones quadem in aphorismos Richardi Baxter, de justificatione. n.p.: n.d. No extent copies are available. Crosby mentions this work in his history, Vol I, p. 295.
_____. Antropolatria; or the sinne of glorying in men, especially in eminent ministers of the gospel, etc. London: 1645.
_____. Christ's Commination against scandalizers; a treatise wherein the necessity, nature, sorts, and evils of scandalizing are cleared and fully handled. Oxford:1641. Aka Vae Scan- dalizantium.
_____. Emmanuel; Or, God-man, a treatise concerning the two na- tures in Christ.... London: 1669 & 1673.
_____. The Foot out of the snare, or a restoration of the inhabitants of Zion into their place. London: 1655. Tombes is respon- sible for a portion of this work attributed to J[ohn] T[olderoy].
_____. Jehovah-Jireh; or, God's Providence in delivering the Godly. Opened in two sermons in the city of Bristoll... With a short narration on that bloody and abominable plot. London: 1643.
_____. Petition to the Protector on 12 May to incorporate Katherines Hospital, Ledbury. S.P.D. 9 August 1649; S.P.D. lxxii. 3, lxxiii. 16, lxxvi. 10a. Incident closed 25 Sept. 1649.
_____. Romanism discussed; or an answer to the nine articles of H[enry] T[urberville] his manual of controversies. Com- mended to the world by Richard Baxter. London: 1660.

_____. True Old-light Exalted above Pretended New Light; or a Trea- tise of Jesus Christ, as He is the Light that enlightens every one that comes into the world. Against the sense both of Quakers, Arminians, and other Assertors of Universal Grace; whose light is proved to be Darkness. London: 1660. Com- mended to the world by Richard Baxter.
_____. Saints no smiters; or smiting the civil powers not the work of saints, being a treatise showing the doctrine and attempts of Quinto-monarchians, or Fifth-Monarchy-men, about smiting powers to be damnable and anti-christian. London: 1664.
_____. Sepher Sheba, or the oath book; being a treatise concerning swearing, the nature, forms, rights, lawfullnesse, rules of swearing, adjuration and keeping of oaths... containing 20 catechetical lectures on the third commandment. London: 1664.
_____. Table of contents of Theocratia; or a treatise of the kingdom of God; with application for lectureship in Gresham College or Rochester Hospital. n.p.: n.d. S.P.D. ccxxxix. 173.
_____. Theodulia; or, a just defence of hearing the sermons and other teachings of the present ministers of England. Against a book unjustly entitled, (in Greek) A Christian testimony against them that serve the image of the beast. (In English) A Chris- tian and sober testimony against them that serve the image of the beast. London: 1667.
_____. Ed. Pemble, William. Five Godly Sermons. Oxford: 1627. Tombes is credited with editing the work, although, his name appears only in the preface.

Antipaedobaptism in the Thought of John Tombes
Additional Primary Sources:
The Anabaptists Catechisme: With All their Practices, Meetings and Exercises. London: 1645.
The Ancient Bounds, or Liberty of Conscience, Tenderly Stated, Modestly Asserted, and Mildly Vindicated. London: 1645
A Confession of Faith of Seven Baptized Churches in London. Lon- don: 1646.
A Declaration of several of the People called Anabaptists, In and about the City of London. London: 1659.
A Directory for the Publique Worship of God.... London: 1645.
A Discourse of Infant-Baptism, By way of Dialogue, between Paedobapatista, A Minister, for Infant Baptism. Anti- paedobaptista, his Friend, against it. Aporeticus, An In- genious Doubter. London: 1698.
A Platform of Church Discipline.... Cambridge, Massachusetts Bay Colony: 1649[sic]. This document is commonly called the Cambridge Platform of 1648.
A Proposall Humbly Offered, for the Farming of Liberty of Con- science. London: 1662.
A Sober enquiry about the new oath enjoined on Nonconformists according to an act of parliament. London: 1665.
Adis, Henry. A fannaticks testimony against swearing: being an an- swer to four books, published by John Tombes, Jeremiah Ives, Theophilus Brabourne; but more especially to that by Henry Den. London: 1661.

Baillee, Robert. Anabaptism, the True Fountain of Independency, Antinomy, Brownisme, and Familisme, and most of the other Errours, which for the time doe trouble the Church of En- gland, Unsealed. London: 1647.
_____. The Disswasive from the errors of the time vindicated from the exceptions of Mr. Cotton and Mr. Tombes. n.p.[Scotland]: 1655.
B[akewell], T[homas]. A Justification of Two Points now in Contro- versy with the Anabaptists concerning baptism. With a briefe answer to Master Tombes argument, in his Exercitation about Infants baptisme. Also a briefe answer to Captaine Hobsons arguments in his Falacy of Infants baptisme. London: 1646. This work may be wrongly attributed. The concerns are con sistent with the thought of Thomas Bedford. Although, the printer is the same as Bakewell used during this period. The titlepage is vague, offering initials alone.
Barebone, Praisegod. A Discourse tending to Prove the Baptisme in, or under The Defection of Antichrist to be an Ordinance of Jesus Christ. As also That the Baptisme of Infants or Chil- dren is warrantable, and agreeable to the word of God. Wherein the perpetuity of the estate of Christs Church in the world, and the everlastingnesse of the Covenant of Almighty God to Abraham are set forth as Maine Grounds, and sundry other particular things are controverted. London: 1642.
_____. A Reply to the Frivolous and Impertinent Answer of R.B. To the Discourse of P.B. In Which discourse is shewed, that the Baptisme in the defection of Antichrist, is the Ordinance of God, notwithstanding the Corruptions that attend the same, and that Baptisme of Infants is lawfull, both which are vindi- cated from the exceptions of R.B. And further cleared by the same Author. London: 1643.

Antipaedobaptism in the Thought of John Tombes
Barrow, Robert. A briefe answer to a discourse lately written by one P. B. London: 1642.
Barclay, Robert. Apology for the True Christian Religion. n.p.: 1678.
Baxter, Richard. An answer to Mr. Tombes his valedictory oration to the people of Bewdley. London: 1651. Bound with Plain Scripture Proof.
_____. Letters that passed between Mr. Baxter and Mr. Tombes con- cerning the dispute [of 1 January 1649/50]. London: 1652. Bound with Plain Scripture Proof.
_____. More Proofs of Infants Church-membership and Consequently their Right to Baptism: Or a Second Defence of Our Infant Rights and Mercies. In Three Parts. The first is, The plain Proof of God's Statute, or Covenant for Infants Church-mem- bership from the Creation, and the Continuation of it till the Institution of Baptism; with the Defence of the Proof against the Frivolous Exceptions of Mr. Tombes. And a Confutation of Mr. Tombes his Arguments against Infants Church-mem- bership.... London: 1675.
_____. Plain Scripture Proof of Infants Church-membership and Baptism: being arguments prepared for (and partly managed in) the publick Dispute with Mr. Tombes at Bewdley on the first day of Jan. 1649. With a full reply to what he then an- swered, and what is contained in his sermon since preached, in his Printed Books, his M.S. on 1 Cor. 7. 14. which I saw, against Mr. Marshall, against these Arguments. With a Re- ply to his Valedictory Oration at Bewdley; and a corrective against his Antidote. London: 1650. Fourth edition, 1656.
_____. Praefestinatis movator. Or, Mr. Tombes, his Praecursor, staid

and examined, and proved not to be from heaven, but of men. London: 1652. Bound with Plain Scripture Proof.
_____. Review of the state of Christian infants, Whether they should be entered in covenant with God by baptism; or whether Christ, the Saviour of the world, hath shut all mankind out of His visible kingdom and covenant-rights and hopes till they come to age? Occasioned by the importunity of Mr. E. Hutchinson (and of Mr. Danvers, and Mr. Thombes), who called him to this review in order to his retraction. An Impar- tial Reading is humbly requested, of those Dissenters who would not be found Despisers of holy Truth, not such as judge before they hear. London: 1676.
_____. The Saints everlasting rest: or, a treatise of the blessed state of the saints. London: 1650.
Bedford, Thomas. A Moderate Answer to these Two Questions, 1. Whether ther be sufficient Ground in Scripture to Warrant the Conscience of a Christian to present his infants to the sacrament of Baptism: 2. Whether it be not sinfull for a Chris- tian to receive the sacrament in a mixt Assembly. London: 1645.
_____. Some Sacramental Instructions. London: 1649.
_____. Vindiciae Gratiae Sacramentalis. London: 1650.
Blake, Thomas. Mr. Blakes answer to Mr. Tombes his letter. In Vindication of the birth-priviledge or covenant holinesse of beleevers and their issue, together with the right of infants to baptisme. London: 1646.
_____. Three Scripture Texts, by Mr. J. Tombes in the first part of his Antipaedobaptism solely handled and totally perverted, fully

Antipaedobaptism in the Thought of John Tombes
vindicated. London: 1653.
Burges, Cornelius. Baptismall Regeneration of Elect Infants, Pro- fessed by the Church of England, according to the Scriptures, the Primitive Church, the present Reformed Churches, and many particular Divines apart. Oxford: 1629.
Brown, R. Jerubaal; or a vindication of the Sober Testimony Against Sinfull Complyance, from the exceptions of Mr. Tombes, in answer to his Theodulia. Wherein the unlawfulness of hear- ing the present conforming ministers is largely discussed. London: 1668.
Chandler, Samuel and William Leigh. A Dialogue between a Paedo- Baptist, and an Anti-Paedo-Baptist: Containing the strength of Arguments Offered on both sides at the Plymouth Disputa tion: with The Addition of a few more Arguments, then ready to be offered, in Vindication of Infant-Baptism. London: 1699.
Cobbet, Thomas. A Just Vindication of the Covenant and Church- Estate of Children of Church-Members as also their right unto Baptisme: wherein such things as have been brought by divers to the contrary, especially by Ioh. Spilsbury, A.R., Ch. Blackwood, and H. Den are revides and answered: hereunto is annexed a refutation of a certain pamphlet styled The plain and wel-grounded treatise touching baptism. London: 1648.
The Confession of faith of those churches which are commonly, though falsly, called anabaptists presented to the view of all that feare God to examine the touchstone of the Word of Truth, as like- wise for the taking off those aspersions which are frequently both in pulpit and print, although unjustly cast upon them. London: 1662.
Cotton, John. The Groundes and Endes of the Baptisme of the Chil-

dren of the Faithfull. Boston: 1644.
Coxe, Benjamin. Some Mistaken Scriptures Sincerely Explained, in a letter, to one infected with Pelagian errours. London. 1643.
Danvers, Henry. Innocency and Truth Vindicated: Or A Short Reply to Mr. Will's Answer to a Late treatise of Baptism. London: 1675.
_____. A Second Reply in Defence of the Treatise of Baptism. Lon- don: 1675.
_____. A Third Reply; or a Short return to Mr. Baxter's brief Answer to my Second Reply. n.p.: 1676.
Cragge, John, M.A., of Lantilio-pertholy. A public dispute betwixt John Tombes respondent, John Cragge and H. Vaughan, op- ponents, touching infant baptism ...Also a sermon ...wherein the necessity of dipping is refuted, and infant baptism as- serted. London: 1654. [See under Tombes above] (frontis- piece carries another title: The Anabaptists Anatomized and silenced in a Public Dispute. (Reprinted, 1741).
_____. The arraignment and conviction of anabaptism; or a reply to Master Tombes his Plea for Antipaedobaptists. London: 1656.
Edwards, Thomas. Gangraena: or a Catalogue and Discovery of Many Errours, Heresies, Blasphemies, and pernicious Prac- tises of the Sectaries of this Time vented and acted in En- gland in these four last years. London: 16 February 1646.
Featley, Daniel. The Dippers dipt, or, The Anabaptists Duck'd and Plung'd over Head and Eares, at a Disputation in Southwark. London: 1651.

Antipaedobaptism in the Thought of John Tombes
Fisher, Samuel, of Northampton. Rusticus Ad Acedemicos in Exercitationibus Epostulatoriis, Apologicuis Quator. The Rustick's Alarm to the Rabbies: or, the Country Correcting the University, and Clergy, (and not without good cause) Con- tending for the Truth.... London: 1660.
Fox[e], George. Autobiography of George Fox. n.p. n.d.
Geree, John, M.A. The Character of an olde English Puritane, or Non-Conformist. London: 1646.
_____. Vindiciae Anglicanae. London: 1641.
_____. Vindiciae Paedobaptismi; or a vindication of infant baptism in a full answer to Mr. Tombs his twelve arguments alleaged against it in his Exercitation and whatever is rational in his answer to Mr. Marshals sermon. London: 1646.
_____, rector of St. Albans Abbey. Vindiciae vindicarum; or a vindi- cation of his vindication of Infant Baptism from the excep- tions of Mr. Harrison in his Paedobaptism Oppunged and from the exceptions of Mr. Tombes, etc. London: 1646.
Gould Manuscript. This work is housed at the Joseph Angus Li- brary, Regents Park College, Oxford. It is a collection made of antipaedobaptist sources by Benjamin Stinton.
Hammond, Henry, D.D. The Baptizing of Infants Reviewed, and Defended from the exceptions of Mr. Tombes, in Anti- pedobaptisme. London: 1655.
Homes, Nathaniel. A Vindication of Baptizing Beleevers Infants. In some animadversions upon Mr. Tombes his ex-exercitations about infant baptisme. London: 1646.

H[owe], J[ohn], of Lynn. Diatpißh Pepi Paido-baptismou:or, a consideration of infant baptism; wherein the grounds of it are laid down, and the validity of them discussed, and many things of Mr. Tombes about it scanned, etc. London: 1654.
Hubberthorn, Richard. Antichristianism reproved, and the doctrine of Christ and His apostles justified against swearing, in an- swer to John Tombs's six propositions, etc. London: 1660.
_____. The light of Christ within, proved to be suficient to lead unto God, in answer to a book put forth by John Tombes, etc. London: 1660.
The Humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines, Now by Authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, Concerning a Confession of Faith. London: 1647.
The Humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines, Now by Authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, Concerning a Larger Catechisme. London: 1648.
The Humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines, Now by Authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, Concerning a Shorter Catechisme. London: 1648.
Hubberthorn, Robert and Samuel Fisher. Supplementum sublatum: John Tombes his supplement, or 2nd book about swearing disproved, and made void, etc. London: 1661.
Hussey, William, of Chiselhurst. An Answer to Mr. Tombes, His spe- cial Examination of Infants-Baptisme. London: 1646.
_____. A 1rst provocation of Master Tombes to make good his generall charge against Mr. W. Husseys Satisfaction to his Scepticall

Antipaedobaptism in the Thought of John Tombes
Exercitation. London: 1646.
Keach, Benjamin. The Glory of a True Church and its Discipline Display'd. London: 1697. The Solemn Covenant of the Church meeting in Horsley-down is appended to the work.
Keith, George. The Arguments of the Quakers, more particularly, of George Whitehead, William Penn, Robert Barclay, John Gratton, George Foxe, Humphrey Norton, and my own arg- ments against Baptism and the Supper, examined and refuted also, some clear proofs from Scripture, shewing that they are institutions of Christ under the Gospel: with an appendix containing some observations upon some passages in a book of W. Penn called A caveat against Popery, and on some pas- sages of a book of John Pennington, called the fig leaf cover- ing discovered. London: 1698.
Kiffen, William. To Mr. Thomas Edwards [A Public Challenge of a Sermon]. n.p.: 1645.
Ley, John, Prebendary of Chester. Light for Smoak, or a reply to The Smoke in the Temple by Master Saltmarsh. London: 1646.
Marshall, Stephen. A Sermon on the Baptizing of Infants, preached in the Abbey Church at Westminster, at the Morning Lecture, appointed by the Honorable House of Commons. London: 1645. Likely preached in 1644, published one year later.
_____. A Defence of Infant-Baptism; in Answer to Two Treatises and an Appendix to them concerning it; Lately published by Jo. Tombes. Wherein that Controversie is fully discussed, the ancient and generally received use of it from the Apostles dayes, until the Anabaptists sprung up in Germany, mani- fested. The Arguments for it from the holy Scripture main- tained, and objections against it answered. London: 1646.

Nayler, James. The foot yet in a snare... discovered in an answer to... John Tombes, etc. London: 1656.
Owen, John. The Works of John Owen. Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, Fifth printing, 1995.
Patient, Thomas. The Doctrine of Baptism, and the Distinction of the Covenants or a Plain Treatise, wherein the four Essen- tials of Baptism... Are diligently handled. As also the busi- ness of the Two Covenants, wherein is proved that the Cov- enant of life, is not made to the seed of believers, as coming out of their Loins, and therefore that baptism of Infants is drawn from a false consequence. Dublin: 1654.
Protector [Cromwell, Oliver] and Council. An ordinance appointing commissioners for approbation of public preachers. London: 1654.
Ram, Robert. Paedo-Baptisme or, The Baptizing of Infants Justified: By the judgement and practise of Ancient and Moderne Prot- estant Divines, both Foraine, and of this nation: clearly prov- ing the absolute necessity of baptizing infants, from the au- thority of sacred Scripture, and the force of undeniable rea- son. London: 1645.
Sadler, Anthony. Inquisitio Anglicana: or the disguise discovered, showing the proceedings of the commissioners at White Hall, for the approbation of ministers, in he examinations of A. Sadler. London: 1654.
Saltmarsh, John. The smoke in the temple. Wherein is a designe for peace and reconciliation of believers of the several opinions of these lines about ordinances, to a fore bearance of each other in love, and meeknesse, and humility, etc. With one argument for liberty of conscience, etc. London: 1646.

Antipaedobaptism in the Thought of John Tombes
Savage, Henry. Thesis doctoris Savage, Paedobaptisme esse licitum, defensio, contra refutationem Mri. Tombes. Oxford: 1655.
The Savoy Declaration of Faith. London: 1658.
Sibbes, Richard. The Works of Richard Sibbes. Alexander Grosart, ed. Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1983.
S[pilsbury], J[ohn]. A Treatise Concerning the Lawfull Subject of Baptisme. London: 1643.
Spittlehouse, John and John More. A Vidication of the continued succession of the Primitive Church of Jesus Christ (now scan- dalously termed Anabaptist) from the Apostles unto this present time. London: 1652.
Sylvester, Matthew. Life of Richard Baxter, Reliquae Baxterianae. London: 1696.
Wills, H[enry]. An Essay tending to issue the controversie about In- fant Baptism. London: n.d.
White, John. Infant Baptisme proved Lawful by Scripture. London: 1644.
Winter, Samuel, Provost T.C.D. The summe of diverse sermons preached in Dublin, before the Deputie Fleetwood... wherein the doctrine of infant-baptisme is asserted and the main ob- jections of Mr. Tombes, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Blackwood and oth- ers answered. London: 1656.
Secondary Sources:
Aland, Kurt. Did the Early Church Baptize Infants? Philadelphia:

Westminster Press, 1963, trans. G.R. Beasley-Murray.
"An Index of Notable Baptists whose Careers began within the Brit- ish Empire before 1850", Transactions of the Baptist His- torical Society (BHST), Vol 7. 1920-1921.
Aubrey, John. Lives of Eminent Men. In British Biographical Ar- chives. London: K C Saur. n.d. Mirofilm. Apparently taken from his Brief Lives. London: 1691.
Beougher, Timothy and Packer, James, I., "Go Fetch Baxter: this feisty Puritan spent his life quieting the controversies he started" Christianity Today, 16 Dec. 1991
Bulfinch,Thomas. Bulfinch's Mythology. The Age of Fable. New York: Nelson Doubleday, 1968.
Cathcart, William. The Baptist Encyclopaedia. Philadelphia: 1881.
Chalmers, A. The General Biographical Dictionary. London: 1812- 1817, in British Biographical Archives. London: K C Saur. Microfilm.
Chemnitz, Martin. Examination of the Council of Trent. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, Vol 11, n.d.
Christian Faith and Practice in the Experience of the Friends. Lon- don: Society of Friends, 1972.
Crosby, Thomas. The History of the English Baptists from the Be- ginning of the Reign of George I. London: 1738-1740.
Cross, F. L. and E.A. Livingstone. The Oxford Dictionary of the Chris- tian Church. Oxford: Oxford University Press, second edi- tion, 1974, reprinted 1984.

Antipaedobaptism in the Thought of John Tombes
Douglass, J. D. Ed. The New International Dictionary of the Chris- tian Church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1974.
Elwell, Walter A. Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. Grand Rap- ids: Baker Book House, 1984, fifth printing, 1987.
Estep, William. The Anabaptist Story. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Pub- lishing Co., 1963, revised edition, 1975.
Ford, James. "A Seventeenth Century Baptist Church: Bromsgrove", Transactions of the Baptist Historical Society (BHST), Vol I.
Gee, Henry, and William John Hardy. Documents Illustrative of En- glish Church History. London: MacMillan and Co., 1896.
George, Timothy. "The Reformed Doctrine of Believers Baptism" in Interpretation, vol. XLVII, No. 3, July 1993.
Greaves, Richard and Robert Zaller, eds. Biographical Dictionary of British Radicals in the Seventeenth Century. Brighton: Har- vester Press, 1984.
Hill, Christopher. Change and Continuity in 17th-Century England. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991. Revised Edition.
_____. The World Turned Upside Down. London: Penguin Books, 1975.
Hoeksema, Herman . Believers and their Seed. Grand Rapids: The Reformed Free Publishing Association, 1977.
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